Chronicles of a Platinum Pussy

Friday, June 01, 2007


Last night even though I was horny as fuck, I had to put my desires on the back burner for the sake of the greater good. I had to study...ick! By the time I was done, Danny was already snoring softly on the couch. I tried to wake him up several times to come to bed with me, but he must have already been in deep REM or something, baby wasn't budging despite my more valiant efforts

Finally in frustration I went to bed and grabbed my vibrator to soothe HER until Danny's sick leave was over. One micro-mini orgasm later, I ended up giving up. SHE wanted Danny's big, thick juicy cock in my pussy and nothing else in this whole entire world could suffice. The exhaustion of the day finally took over and I fell asleep, snuggled under the covers.

posted by Platinum Pussy @ 1:50 AM   : : 0 dirty thoughts

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