Saturday, May 12, 2007
Brush with Death
The last 10 days have been almost a nightmare. I've been sick ever since April 28th with something that I thought was just the flu/cough. I went to the ER and they discharged me the same day so I thought it wasn't serious...only having to be rushed back 6 days later with a temp of 102, out of my mind delirious and in so much pain that it took an elephant's dose of narcotics to get it under control.
So I was admitted, which never is a good thing. The Pussy was NOT pleased. Can you imagine not getting some of Danny's awesome dick loving just because of something as paltry as pneumonia? Add to that, the day after I get out of the hospital, Danny has to head to Oregon on business. Yeesh. It got soooo bad that I was dreaming of fucking him so bad that I was masturbating. I even asked the nurse for AA batteries and Danny to bring my vibrator (which he didn't by the way!) He felt that I was too sick to be worried about the Pussy, however SHE feels that it's probably that he wasn't getting any orgasms so he didn't want me to have any either. Of course, logic says he was probably worried sick about me enough to jack off...but he's a highly sexual and sensual sex addict. If he was sick, I would be worried but I would still get some orgasms---just to release the stress, you know?
I mean, we have done it in the hospital before...wait I didn't tell you about it?
Well while I'm here recuperating from my bout with death, I'll relive some wonderful memories that I should have posted about in January but was too pleasure shocked to write about. It's juicy.
posted by Platinum Pussy @ 7:47 PM
: :
0 dirty thoughts

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