Thursday, May 17, 2007
My pussy throbbed and hurt for several hours after that last encounter. It was no joke. Danny was so concerned, fearing that he had indeed broken something. I felt like I was being sliced in two...and that maybe his huge cock and finally done the inevitable and tore through my pussy into my cervix or bladder. He was so solicitious, he brought me some warm tea, Motrin and even did research online per my symptoms to let me know that I wasn't going to die. For all his care, I knew that there was probably a part of him that was loving the fact that he killed my pussy.
"Wanna know what it feels like you Pussy Slayer?" I asked as I sipped my tea. He nodded and I tried to put it into words.
"Like someone kicked you in the balls...but it's constant."
"Hot damn...I'm so sorry babe. Now I can relate," he replied as he kissed my forehead and pushed my hair off my face.
Now that's more like it.
Thankfully the Pussy was back to her normal self by the next afternoon. Especially after Danny made it up to her. That's the next story....
posted by Platinum Pussy @ 1:24 AM
: :
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