Thursday, May 31, 2007
Sick Leave
For the last 3 days Danny has been recuperating from this week. SHE and I drained him so hard and so thoroughly that the poor cock had to have a sick leave or something. Danny actually told me that I needed to let him build up his sperm levels again, that I had totally taken all his energy reserves. Call me ignorant, but as a Woman, I get rejuvenated after sex, so it was hard for me to understand this. And even harder for me to keep my hands off his sexy, hard body that kept begging me to touch and caress all week. I managed to get him hot and bothered a few times but he wouldn't relent on his 3-day buildup rule. Grrrrrr!
Thursday--sex & head evening
Friday--morning head
Friday---morning head, evening sex
Saturday---morning sex, afternoon head
Sunday---afternoon sex
Monday---afternoon sex & head, yum yum!
Tuesday---day off
Wednesday---day and night off, :( the Pussy is getting beyond antsy at this point!
Thursday---this is the last day we are giving him off. It's so on tomorrow, he doesn't even know what's in store for him.
Friday---to be written...
posted by Platinum Pussy @ 1:51 AM
: :
1 dirty thoughts

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