Chronicles of a Platinum Pussy

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Falling Asleep

Danny got off work around six this evening. Normally, I don't see him on Friday nights but I had been wearing his shirt all day and was craving him something fierce. So I told him to come over. Without hesitation, he told me that he would, he just had to run some errands first.

He got to my house close to midnight and I took him straight to my room. I had no designs on him, just wanted to fall asleep in his arms. We ended up talking for a couple of hours. It's so much more interesting talking to him in person than talking to him over the phone.

We feel asleep around 2 and he had to get up early to head back to work. He told me the next morning that he was surprised that he was able to feel so rested after only 6 hours. "Wow, 2 nights in a row and you didn't get tired of me yet?" he joked to which I told him that it would take more than that for me to get tired of him.

I wanted him to come back on Saturday night, but he declined. He told me that he would see me on Sunday night instead, spend the night and he didn't have to be at work until 1pm so we could spend the morning together.

"Oh, and dress up. We are going on a date on Sunday," he told me.


posted by Platinum Pussy @ 8:26 AM   : : 0 dirty thoughts

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